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Chloe Austin

The 126 Artist-Run Gallery Internship has been an amazing experience for me. I've had the opportunity to work alongside emerging and established artists, as well as the welcoming and brilliant 126 board members. I have become so much more knowledgeable of the time management and work that goes into running/organizing a show - and how rewarding it is to see your hard work and effort come together.

1 2 6 G A L L E R Y I N T E R N S

Presents B D G R L

We're told to be innocent, to be kind and mannered, to not speak loud, to sit up straight.

(Be quiet, bad girl)

We're told to be sexy, taught to define ourselves by shapes drawn in magazines, lips pouted and parted in pictures, defining ourselves by the numbers and names spoken for us but never the ones we speak for


(Be quiet, bad girl)

Bodies made for consumption, we inhale picture after picture creating a hunger for the intangible grinding in the stomach of everybody


never leaving them full.

(Be quiet, bad girl)

In this open call, we wanted to explore this topic further, from the opposed positions of the phrase ‘bad girl’ from it’s early seed to it’s eventual growth.

I'd like to thank my good friend Ashley Moloney for allowing us to use her fantastic video work for our open call and promotion posts. You can find more of her work on her vimeo here ;

The response we have had for BDGRL is phenomenal and we wish to continue this project, pushing it further in the near future. Thank you to everyone that attended each fundraiser, who donated, who helped promote us and just overall, the great support. Saffron Lily, Sarah Keenan and myself are more than thankful to everyone for the help in making our BDGRL show a success.

We hope to see you at the 126 Gallery at 7pm on the 8th of December for the opening of BDGRL!


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