Are You Still Nasty?
Hi all,
I was delighted to be part of the first EVER International Conference celebrating and developing the global art and activism movement “Nasty Women”.
My photographic prints was shown for the “Nasty Women International Conference” and I created a video piece (link below) especially for the accompanying exhibition “TRUMPED”, curated by Michaela Wetherell (UK). The key note address was given by New York based co-founder of the “Nasty Women” movement, Roxanne Jackson (USA).

You can find the link to my video piece LIP here;
“Nasty Women” is a global art and activism movement that has been likened to the “Guerrilla Girls”. The conference is a fantastic way to get involved at a pivotal moment in our development, offering an opportunity to learn about (and celebrate!) the movements’ huge successes this year and plan for an exciting, creative and useful future. The conference and exhibition included talks, workshops, artworks and performances by a wildly eclectic variety of Nasty Women from around the world: - Political postcard making workshop with award winning artist Sarah Maple (UK). Much of Maple's inspiration originates from being brought up as a Muslim, with parents of mixed religious and cultural backgrounds. - Art and activism talk from Airco Caravan (Netherlands), founder of Nasty Women Amsterdam - “Nasty PR” workshop with Kymberlee Jay (UK/USA) Black British Business Awards winner 2017 - an entrepreneur, writer, philanthropist and former dancer for Madonna - Chi Onwurah MP, Member of Parliament for Newcastle upon Tyne Central and campaigner for women’s rights locally, nationally and internationally - Plus- The Guerrilla Girls (GLOBAL!), Klaus Pinter (AU), Margaret Harrison (UK), Daria Galeeva (Russia), Trudy Giordano (USA), Joyce Overheul (Germany) and Lady Kitt (UK) Named after the Trump slur to Clinton during presidential debates the “Nasty Women” movement is anti Trump and pro equality- it offers opportunities for people from around the world to be involved in visual protests against the Trump administration whilst raising money for organisations that campaign for women’s and LGBTQ+ rights. “Are You Still Nasty?” and “TRUMPED” exhibition previewed at 6.30pm-8.30pm, Fri Nov 17th, 2017
Also, delighted to hear that the show made it on to BBC News!
Link here: